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​Why Pilates?

Pilates has the ability to reverse our natural physical decline and the beneftis of regular sessions are numerous:

  • Creates a toned and improved body shape.

  • Improves flexibility, joint mobility, posture and spinal health.

  • Corrects muscular imbalance and reduces lower back pain.

  • Increases muscular strength and ednurance.

  • Improves core strength / flatter abs.

  • Helps to prevent injury and improve circulation.

  • Compliments other activities e.g. running and cyling.

Put simply Pilates is great for the mind, body and soul.


If you are new to Pilates there will be some Beginners classes.  It your interested, just click on the 'Interested' orange button, provide your contact information and I will let you know when the next class is.​

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